Friday, October 16, 2009

Things are happening

I just got back from lunch and now Henry has a few less things attached to him! Things are surely picking up after a lot of days of waiting. Now he's slowly being weened off of medicines and the ventilator. Also, today he started getting Mom's milk (through a feeding tube) at an amazingly slow rate. 1cc per hour which is much slower than even your average leaky sink dripping. This will ramp up as more things start getting removed and before you know it we'll be out of the ICU and moved to the regular cardiac recovery area. Hooray for Henry!


  1. I second that. HOORAY for Henry!!

  2. We knew he could do it, just a matter of time. Good job Rob, Polly, Lydia and Liam.

  3. Go, Henry, go Henry, go go go Henry!
    What wonderfully exciting news! Keep up the good work little man!! We cannot WAIT to see you guys.
    Love you lots, Jen

  4. Woo-hoo! Way to go Henry! I am happy to hear about his progress!

