Monday, July 26, 2010

Last night

We kind of all got some sleep... All the kids stayed up late and didn't get to bed until almost 10! Henry got a bottle, then he didn't go to sleep, he wanted up. So we got up and I fed him some banana which he loved. Then later on when he was finally more tired put him back down and he drank another bottle! He ate over 6 ounces and a quarter banana. That is a LOT for him.  He didn't eat until 5AM and only woke up once I think wanting a pacifier and blanket back on.  So that was AWESOME.

Except that when he woke at 5 everyone else woke up. Lydia woke up and threw up. She has been battling this on and off again sickness that we all have. Random days of fevers, yesterday she had a headache and sore neck or lymph nodes. Liam has had strange feverish days like that too.  So far Henry seems very healthy though.

As for me, I think my ear is slowly getting back to normal after over a month of it being clogged. Yay! Polly and Linda sent me for a massage on Saturday and it was fantastic.  I've always been a little weirded out by the the whole massage thing but this place was 5 stars.  If you're nearby, Misty's Salon in Missoula and get Fenesa.  Completely professional and seamless massage.  I left feeling amazing and will definitely go back.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Henry!!

It's with great pleasure that I say Henry is doing very well lately. And the whole family too!

He has gotten through the issues that landed him back in Seattle and is done with the special formula that he had to drink. He is eating new and exciting foods! We still are avoiding dairy products since he is allergic.  Still, it's very liberating to be able to feed him mostly everything.  He rolls easily from back to both sides and from front to back. In fact, he won't stay on his belly.  He just rolls right over. He's been very playful and happy.  We think he might be waving and he sure has more word sounding sounds.