Monday, October 19, 2009

Out of the ICU

As scary as being in the ICU is it's a little scarier to be moved to the "floor". We don't have a dedicated nurse and people don't exactly come running if you need something. I know it means that he's healed up enough to be there.. I hope. It's just not the same feeling leaving your baby alone in a room if there isn't going to be someone there all the time to watch them. I might be spending tonight in the recliner next to him.


  1. Yes, the first day out of ICU may be scary, but Henry was very strong to handle all that was done to him since the surgery. Continue to believe that he will be strong enough now to rest and heal up. Try to stay confident in the decisions that the Dr's make. We will mentally be spending the night in a recliner next to you.
    Love to you all,
    Donna and Bob

  2. Hmmm, that must be such an odd sensation to not have a nurse there by Henry's side all the time. I'm sure the doctor's know that Henry is strong and healthy enough to be where is. I would worry about him being by himself too though. Did you end up staying the night with him?

    Hang in there!

  3. Morning Rob,

    I hope the first night on the floor passed successfully! You and Polly are such troopers being by Henry's side through all of this. Have you been able to hold him yet? When does the introduction to breastfeeding start? That will be a great sign if he's ready for that.

    Love to you both.


  4. YAY!! That is a GREAT sign even though it is a little scary Rob! Thinking about you guys all the time!! If Lydia needs a couple of little girls her age to play with my friend Jen has a 3 year old and 1 year old! Just let me know!

  5. Nothing will comfort Henry more than you, his Father, at his side. We'll be there with you Rob. You're one step closer to home. We cant wait til the Beckers are safe and sound in Montana.
