Saturday, May 1, 2010

More challenges

Well, I'm sorry to say that things got harder and not easier after his latest heart cath.  He has narrowing and low flow to his left lung. Yes the same left lung that was surrounded by fluid.  Low flow leads to blood clots.  So now he is on blood thinners to slowly break up the clots and prevent new ones.  They ballooned his left pulminary artery to increase flow that way. It wasn't a super solution but the best they can do right now.  He'll have to have another one of these to replace the balloon with a bigger one as he grows (in 6-9 months). We also have to learn to give the blood thinner shots daily similar to how a diabetic does it. AND we still have to address the fluid issue with a low fat diet.  We have our hands full allright.

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