Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby steps on a diverging path

We're all getting a little better at this. My parents Bob and Donna have been here helping out immensly. I've been able to get to work a couple of days to deploy my project that needs finishing. Dr. Hardy says Henry is doing super. That's encouraging since we end up second guessing how things are going. He's gaining weight slow and steady. Liam on the other hand is an eating machine. We don't have an accurate enough scale but we can tell that he is heavier in comparison. Hopefully it won't end up like the movie Twins where Liam is Arnold Schwarzenegger and Henry is Danny DeVito.

We'll be needing lots of help once my folks leave. The problem is we don't have an easy way to let people know what help we need and when. So, I think I'll be setting up a shared google calendar so people coordinate help for us. People can sign up for days to come over and lend a hand, hold a baby, play with Lydia, drop off dinner, or whatever. And we can request help for certain days on there too ( I think ). I'll link that here when it's ready. In the meantime... feel free to drop us a link or email if you're inclined.

And what you've been waiting for... more photos, and a video!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures and video! So cute!!! I'm thrilled that the doctors say Henry is doing so well. I bet once Henry is fully recovered from his surgery and his belly adjusts to eating more, he will take off like a shot and give Liam a run for his money. :) Excellent idea on putting together a "helping out" calendar. Very organized of you.

    Love to everyone over there!
