Sunday, April 6, 2014

Almost back to regular, but more waiting

I'd say that Henry's behavior is almost back to normal. He definitely still has some discomfort which he's just on Tylenol for. He skipped a nap today. I think that's a great sign that he's getting enough rest and nourishment. He's still draining through his chest tubes but it is decreasing nicely. He's under 100mL today. He needs to have under about 30 from each tube for 3 days before they will take them out. So, we're getting closer but there's still more waiting.

On the plus side, he's happy most of the day, except mornings. He's been eating great even though he's on a pretty low fat diet (we make it tasty and fun). And he's been so happy to have his brother and sister here to play with. Nothing like breaking up the day of being stuck in the same room all day!

He got a tricycle from physical therapy and rides it around the hospital getting oohs from all the nurses.
He's been blowing bubbles in the play room, doing art, and playing games. He even got to sit in a crazy race car that was here today. Pics or it didn't happen!

Lap 2 of the Henry 500

Lydia and Liam love bubbles too


Painting with nurse Kelli

Candy Land was a hit

We discovered the bed goes way up high so had to take a picture on it

Go speed!

Painting a wooden car. 1 for Liam, 1 for himself. "Golden" his favorite color.

The cool kids are eating Pez

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