Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good News!!

Henry went in to his cath again.  They had ballooned his left pulminary artery on monday and here we are on thursday in the cath again.  Well, almost all of the problems that we were worried about after that one are looking great in this latest look.  The flow to and from the lung looks much better! There are 4 clots that we are addressing with blood thinners and are improving and not getting worse. That's awesome! I'm so relieved to see his heart function looking so well.


  1. That's great news! Yeah for modern medicine (and the doctors and nurses that make it happen), a strong and happy little baby, amazing parents, and supportive friends and family. I hope you will both be headed home soon!

  2. Wonderful Rob! If Polly wants to head over there, I could keep the little ones as long as I could figure out their childcare. Maybe they could spend a few days with my kids at their sitters? If you need that let me know. I wish I didn't have to work so I could be of more help. I pray for you guys all the time. I was happy to finally get some good news. You are a great daddy Rob. Hang in there!
