A day after birth there were some clues that something was wrong with one of the babies. He was a too sleepy to nurse most times and was a little paler than brother. He had some trouble keeping stable glucose levels. All in all was was acting pretty normal though. Thankfully a diligent nurse (Robin I believe, thanks!) correlated feeding times and glucose levels and got the ball rolling that there might be something wrong. After the doctor heard a heart murmor and an EKG we learned that Henry has a malformed heart. Without an operation on his heart he would very likely not live. It is called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. This is very difficult to write, but everyone needs to know what is going on and my text plan is getting overwhelmed. (Please don't stop texting your support though)
The decision was made to bring Henry to Seattle Children's Hospital with me. Polly and Liam are currently still at Community Medical recovering and should be discharged soon. Henry is in very capable hands here. They keep great watch on him and he is comfortable and stable. Wednesday morning (9/30) the cardiology team and surgeons and everyone meets to decide the plan of action. The surgery will be sometime before the end of next week. I'll know after tomorrow if it will be sooner or later. They are not in an emergency rush since his heart is not nearly as bad as some.
So that is the update for now. Please pray for Henry he needs to get healthy and get back to his twin brother and Mommy.
Dearest Rob, You are so amazing to write on your blog at such a difficult time. Katie and I will be praying and hoping tonight for you and Polly to have grace and strength tomorrow and the days ahead. No matter what... your love for Henry and Liam and Lydia will be a powerful, sustaining force for all your children and each other.
ReplyDeleteWe love you all.
Kelly and Katie