Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How Patriotic!

Lydia's sporting the red, white and blue for Independence Day.


  1. What a cutie pie! She is a little diva baby, I LOVE it! The 4th was a blast! Thanks for having us over! Brandi Madi Jackson and Scott

  2. hello polly and rob, and of course lydia!
    ok dig back in your memory archives, this is russ bird from rutgers days! i've been hanging out with tony le and mentioned to him that i was heading out to montanna for a week in sep and he said i should look you up...
    unfortunately i'll be down by bozeman (friend's wedding) and it looks like you guys are out in missoula.
    anyways just wanted to drop you a line and say hello! tony said you guys were a lifesaver in hawaii, keep in touch with him he's a good guy.
    we spent a week in maine with stacy earlier in the month. fantastic trip.
    hope all is well and give the baby a hug from us on the east coast!
    -russ (
