12 pounds, 10 0unces of baby goodness. Lydia is very healthy, and in the 90th percentile for weight. Only the 60th for height (at 22 inches), so she'll probably start sprouting up soon. She got her first big group of shots today, and did very well. A bit of initial screaming but she calmed right down. By the time I got her home, she seemed pretty sleepy, so now she's having a good nap. So far, shots have not been as bad as I anticipated, but we'll see what happens in a few hours if she gets a fever or finds that her legs are hurting her. I guess we won't be working on her walking today.
She'll either sprout up (wishful thinking Pol!) or take after Grandma! She's beautiful. The smaller version of the pic looked like Uncle Jake but after zooming in . . .I can't decide.