There's no more company around to help us out anymore and I'm running very short on days home with Polly and Lydia. If I can get some work from home hours in then I can go in to work on thursday and then work from home on friday. That way we can leave early enough for our big trip to Boseman. I hope she handles the car ride and new environment well. Lately she has been having trouble getting to sleep on her own. We have had to use a lot of tricks like putting the basinet in the bathroom with the ceiling fan on to get her to sleep. Of course the usual swaying, rocking, shushing etc. But those eyes have been popping right back open, most likely accompanied with a loud sound. I hope this isn't the start of the dreaded COLIC. That unexplained mysteriously unconsolable baby syndrome. Lets all hope that she gets her nights and days figured out without too many nights like last night. whoo.
I just want to say again how much I love this website, love the pics, the titles and love all of your comments! And of course how much I love Lydia! :-)