Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Henry's quick trip to the hospital

Well after we all got the virus going around Henry finally got it.  I got an ear infection and congestion, Liam had double ear infections and then Henry got ear infection(s?) and lots of throwing up.  He had to go to the hospital because he was getting dehydrated and couldn't keep anything down and was miserable. So we took him in and got him some IV fluids and antibiotics and he was feeling better and just came home today.  2 nights and 3 days in the hospital. At least we didn't have to go to Seattle or anything. I'm so glad to have him home and he was so excited to be home and see his brother and sister. It was great to see.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey that's a new tooth!

Henry got his first tooth!  It broke through the skin on the bottom.  Here's to keeping up!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Henry is doing so well lately. He's been eating good amounts of food and playing a lot. He went to the doctor today and no problems. I get nervous lately when he has a DR appt after the surprise that landed us back in Seattle. Well not this time. Lydia on the other hand has been a wreck lately. Not getting good sleep and refusing to go to bed... up early. She was so exhausted tonight she crashed hard.
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